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Tema: AppDelete 2.0.2 [Donated Ver]

  1. #1
    Pequeño Hacker Avatar de PunkoJotaViL
    Costa Rica
    Nov 2007
    Agrad. 640 veces en 133 posteos

    Premium Dealers AppDelete 2.0.2 [Donated Ver]


    For  Mac OS X

    AppDelete will delete the application you choose and any associated items (files and folders) that belong to that application. Now you will no longer have to hunt through your system to find these items and delete them manually. Or worse, just let them sit on your Mac forever even though the application is long gone!
    To run AppDelete just drag the application or folder containing the application you want to delete onto the AppDelete icon. You can also select from the main menu, right-click an item in the Finder using the AppDelete Automator workflow, or just drop an app in the Trash. An easy way is to keep AppDelete in your dock so you can drag your app or folder containing the app onto the icon in your dock. After doing this AppDelete will search your system to find the associated items. After clicking on "Delete" these items will be moved inside of a folder in the trash named "AppDelete" with the name of the app you dragged onto the icon. You can inspect this folder if you like before emptying the trash.
    AppDelete also has a "Undo" feature, the ability to "Log only" for reference, it can search for invisible or "hidden" items, and more! And AppDelete keeps a log of all processing that it does. Try it today!

    Código: | Tamaño: 572KB| Pass: PunkoJotaViL

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    caray (22 08 2008),innad51 (21 09 2008)

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