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Tema: The Smiths - The Very Best of the Smiths (2001)

  1. #1
    Ladrón de bytes Avatar de xen inhabitant
    Oct 2008
    Lima, Peru
    Agrad. 118 veces en 51 posteos

    Musica The Smiths - The Very Best of the Smiths (2001)

    The Smiths - The Very Best of the Smiths (2001)


    01- Panic
    02- The boy with the thorn in his side
    03- Heaven knows I'm Miserable now
    04- Ask
    05- Bigmouth strikes again
    06- How soon is now
    07- This charming man
    08- What difference does it make
    09- William, it was really nothing
    10- Some girls are bigger than others
    11- Girlfriend in a coma
    12- Hand in glove
    13- There is a light that never goes out
    14- Please please please let me get what I want
    15- That joke isn't funny anymore
    16- Know It's over
    17- Sheila take a bow
    18- I started something I couldn't finish
    19- Still Ill
    20- Shakespeare's sister
    21- Shoplifters of the world unite
    22- Last nigth I dream that somebody loved me
    23- Stop me if you think you've hears this one befone


    Última edición por LunaChubut; 08 10 2008 a las 11:16 PM Razón: cambiar tamaño de la imagen

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