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Tema: MPlayer OSX Extended Rev.7

  1. #1
    Pequeño Hacker Avatar de PunkoJotaViL
    Costa Rica
    Nov 2007
    Agrad. 640 veces en 133 posteos

    xXx MPlayer OSX Extended Rev.7

    MPlayer OSX Extended - Revision 7
    For  Mac OS

    This is an unofficial extended version of the MPlayer OSX GUI.

    While MPlayer is the superior media player for OSX and has a very nice GUI, it was lacking in access to the many powerful functions the backend provides and development hasn't been very fast.
    Since I had some time on my hands I decided to learn Cocoa and improve the MPlayer OSX GUI.

    In the process, I also figured out how to compile a redistributable version of the mplayer core and provide a recent build from the SVN.

    Changes to the GUI include:

    * More video filter options (Postprocessing, Deinterlace etc)
    * Support for styled ASS subtitles
    * Audio and video equalizers (not yet interactive)
    * Taking Screenshots
    * Stream selection
    * Various interface improvements

    Whats New on Revision 7 ( 20. October 2008 )

    * Fixed internal video output on Tiger
    * Fixed internal video output with too little shared memory
    * Fixed aspect ratio preferences
    * Improved fullscreen transition for internal video output
    * Support for the Apple Remote
    * Various other small bug fixes
    * Updated mplayer binary to r27807 from 20. Oct 2008

    MPlayer OSX Extended is an unofficial modification of the MPlayer OSX project, maintained by Nicolas Plourde. See AUTHORS.rtf in the download for a complete list of developers.

    The official MPlayer project can be found at:
    More Info
    .dmg | 14.4MB


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    guxbras (04 12 2008),jalonso0 (05 12 2008),majareta (05 01 2009),Pedrin3 (05 12 2008)

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