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Tema: [RS] Deep Purple - 30. Very Best of Deep Purple

  1. #1
    Leecher Avatar de Lady Oscar
    Apr 2008
    Agrad. 91 veces en 27 posteos

    Musica [RS] Deep Purple - 30. Very Best of Deep Purple

    Deep Purple - 30: Very Best Of.

    01 Hush
    02 Black night
    03 Speed king
    04 Child in time
    05 Strange kind of woman
    06 Fireball
    07 Demon's eye
    08 Smoke on the water
    09 Highway star
    10 When a blind man cries
    11 Never before
    12 Woman from tokyo
    13 Burn
    14 Stormbringer
    15 You keep on moving
    16 Perfect strangers
    17 Ted the mechanic
    18 Any fule kno that

    Última edición por LunaChubut; 18 11 2008 a las 06:05 PM

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