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Tema: Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Soundtrack 2008)

  1. #1
    Pequeño Hacker Avatar de raul_mtx
    Jun 2007
    Agrad. 731 veces en 308 posteos

    Musica Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Soundtrack 2008)

    Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles
    (Soundtrack 2008)

    01 - Samson And Delilah (from 'Samson and Delilah') 4:56 - Performed by Shirley Manson
    02 - 'Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' Opening Title 0:43
    03 - Sarah Connor's Theme (from 'Pilot') 3:15
    04 - Cromartie In The Hospital (from 'The Turk') 1:08
    05 - Andy Goode's Turk (from 'Queen's Gambit') 3:09
    06 - Central America (from 'Queen's Gambit') 1:32
    07 - John And Riley (from 'Automatic for the People') 2:25
    08 - Derek Reese (from 'Queen's Gambit' and 'The Demon Hand') 2:51
    09 - Ain't We Famous (from 'Automatic for the People') 3:34 - Performed by BrEndAn's Band
    10 - Motorcycle Robot Chase (from 'Gnothi Seuton') 2:48 - Featuring Captain Ahab
    11 - The Hand Of God (from 'The Demon Hand') 3:08
    12 - Prisoners Of War (from 'Dungeons & Dragons') 6:23
    13 - Miles Dyson's Grave (from 'The Turk') 2:41
    14 - Atomic Al's Merry Melody (from 'Automatic for the People') 1:21
    15 - The Reese Boys (from 'What He Beheld') 1:39
    16 - Removing Cameron's Chip (from 'Vick's Chip') 3:13
    17 - Ellison Spared (from 'What He Beheld') 2:21
    18 - I Love You (from 'Samson & Delilah') 2:28
    19 - Catherine Weaver (from 'Samson & Delilah') 2:03
    20 - Derek's Mission (from 'Dungeons & Dragons') 1:45
    21 - There's A Storm Coming (from 'Dungeons & Dragons') 3:00
    22 - Highway Battle (from 'Queen's Gambit') 3:56
    23 - Perfect Creatures (from 'The Demon Hand') 2:13
    24 - 'Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' End Credits 0:35

    Última edición por LunaChubut; 29 12 2008 a las 11:54 PM

  2. Los siguientes 3 usuarios agradecieron a raul_mtx por este aporte:

    gymos (18 01 2009),hugalde40 (29 12 2008),piel_jaguar (30 12 2008)

  3. #2
    Ladrón de bytes Avatar de hugalde40
    Jun 2008
    Agrad. 16 veces en 15 posteos
    gracias mil

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