Ver la versión completa : wsus offline update 6.6.1

27 06 2010, 03:12 PM

bueno, pues les paso la ultima actualizacion del wsusoffline update, este programa hace cds de actualizaciones de todos los programas de microsoft windows y office y luego despues los recopila en varias imagenes en iso. luego despues te da la opcion de hacer un dvd con todas las actualizaciones de microsoft. yo lo he probado y me funciona perfectamente, os lo recomiendo, a continuacion pondre la informacion de la pagina oficial del programa. lo que se destaca es que ahora el cd de actualizaciones incluye las definiciones de los antivirus marca bill gates y el instalador del net framework 4.0 y 3.5:

Modifications in version 6.6.1

- English FAQs completed (Thanks to "boco")
- Fix: DirectX End-User Runtimes rolled back to v. 9.28.1886 (February 2010) because v. 9.29.1962 (June 2010) fails to install under Windows 2000 (Thanks to "Denniss")
- Fix: Installation of IE8 did not request recall on Windows XP and Server 2003 systems
- Fix: Installation of .NET 3.5 SP1 did not request recall
Modifications in version 6.6

- NOTE: This version is supposed to be the last one supporting Windows 2000 (see http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=3071)
- NOTE: Inverted logic for 'Include/Exclude Service Packs' option in UpdateGenerator script; UpdateGenerator.ini file keyword changed; no parameter modification for DownloadUpdates script (Thanks to "AlBundy", "Gerby" and "-Iwan-")
- Office updates up to 06/2010 integrated by static definitions
- Optional installation of .NET Framework 4 on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Server 2003/2008 (R2) systems (Thanks to "AnonymousHero")
- Optional installation of Microsoft Security Essentials on Windows XP, Vista and 7 (x86/x64) systems (Thanks to "AlBundy")
- Date of last download / medium creation will be displayed/logged by UpdateGenerator/UpdateInstaller/DoUpdate scripts (Thanks to "automatix")
- DoUpdate.cmd script will now adjust boot sequence for automatic reboots on Windows Vista, 7 and Server 2008 (R2) systems (Thanks to "NorFie")
- Update for Root Certificates (rootsupd.exe/kb931125) updated to May 2010 (Thanks to "harry")
- DirectX End-User Runtimes updated to June 2010 (Thanks to Matthias Koehler and "Denniss")
- CompileAutoItScripts.cmd script added (Thanks to "boco")
- DetermineSystemProperties.vbs script detects Office 2010 now
- Automatic clock adjustment for daylight savings time removed (Thanks to "Gerby" and "boco")
- English FAQs initiated (Thanks to "boco")
- Fix: CreateISOImage.sh script didn't correctly evaluate ISO filter files containing Windows line feeds (Thanks to Bob Lindell)
- Fix: DoUpdate.cmd script didn't return errorlevel 3010 (reboot required) after installation of dynamically determined updates (Thanks to "hel")
- Fix: Missing WSH_VERSION_TARGET_* variables lead to misleading error messages under Windows Vista/7 (Thanks to "lexx_qq")
- Fix: Windows Media Player 11 and Terminal Services Client 6 Installation attempts failed on Windows Server 2003 x64 systems
- Fix: Invalid hash file search sequence lead to false audit errors when installing .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Family Update (kb958481, kb958483 and kb958484)
- Fix: Dynamic determination of Windows Update Agent download URLs replaced by static definitions (Thanks to "automatix", "boco" and "Denniss")
- Fix: FinalizationHook.cmd wasn't executed by DoUpdate.cmd (Thanks to "-Iwan-")
- Fix: Recall requests removed after installations of Windows Installer (MSI) and Windows Script Host (WSH) (Thanks to "BrentNewland")
- Fix: Hash computation and verification were missed for Windows Update Agent and catalog file (wsusscn2.cab)
- Fix: Browser choice update (kb976002) is black listed now (Thanks to "boco")
- Fix: Installation of IE8 did not request recall on Windows Vista and Server 2008 systems (Thanks to "boco")
- Fix: Installation of .NET Frameworks won't any longer try to install language packs (Thanks to "schose" and "AlBundy")
- Fix: Windows Media Player update attempts lead to errors on Windows Server 2003 (x86/x64) systems
- Fix: Reboot requests were ignored if all missing updates were either black listed or not found
- Fix: Update process could have been unintentionally abandoned if update medium didn't contain latest Office Service Pack (Thanks to "Lurchie7")
- Fix: PrepareReleaseTree.cmd script did not properly detect non-existing target paths containing spaces (Thanks to Mark Gerber)
- Fix: Localized updates for MSXML4 and MSXML6 are unavailable for several languages (Thanks to "vsu")
- Fix: Required localized versions of Office 2003 patches KB975051 and KB983503 will now be downloaded (Thanks to "vsu")
- Fix: Outlook 2003 and 2007 Junk Email Filter updates won't any longer be installed by static definitions (Thanks to "Computerist" and "-Iwan-")
- Fix: Installation of .NET 1.1 updates kb947742, kb953297, kb971108 and kb979906 could lead to unexpected reboots (Thanks to "lbriggs", "vsu" and "boco")
- Fix: Replaced deprecated update kb955655 for Visio 2003 by kb982126 (Thanks to "vsu")

web: www.wsusoffline.net (http://www.wsusoffline.net).

