Ver la versión completa : FaceShop for Adobe Photoshop 3.5

andy lu
02 03 2009, 12:42 PM
FaceShop for Adobe Photoshop 3.5

This new product works exclusively with Photoshop (older version, Elements and the new CS3). FaceShop PS Plug-in can be used to alter angles of people faces in photographs. It is easy to use and does not require a long learning curve. This application may appeal to both graphic artists and amateurs who need to alter photographic images.

FaceShop lets you rotate any face in Photoshop in real 3D!

Works with recent Photoshop editions, Elements or the new CS3. FaceShop is two plug-ins in one box: FS2 works with all recent Photoshop editions in 2D. Select face that you want to transform, go to the two-step process as shown above, rotate and paste the finished face on a new Photoshop layer. Easy. FS3, also included, works with the new 3D layer of Photoshop CS3. If you work with CS3, you can directly paste a real 3D head with texture maps into PhotoshopHeroturko??™s 3D layer - rotate live in Photoshop until you commit to convert the face into a 2D element.

FaceShop - your next Photoshop plug-in

:: RS ::



02 03 2009, 01:13 PM
Gracias mi buen,voy a checar aver q tal esta,gracias por el aporte