Ver la versión completa : The World Browser Portable

23 02 2009, 03:26 PM
The World Browser Portable


Llega un nuevo navegador, rápido y eficiente

Fuera de Internet Explorer, Firefox, y Opera hay vida. Aunque los principales navegadores destacan por su velocidad y prestaciones, hay otros que empiezan su andadura intentando hacerse hueco en la élite, y TheWorld Browser quiere un sitio.

TheWorld Browser es un nuevo navegador web gratuito basado en Internet Explorer que, aunque desconocido, pretende abrirse hueco aprendiendo de sus antecesores.

Lo que más sorprende a primera vista es su velocidad. Es un navegador sorprendentemente rápido, cosa que es de agradecer. Si nos fijamos en los detalles, este navegador también sorprende, ya que trae incorporadas funcionalidades tan cómodas e interesantes como son los gestos de ratón y la gestión avanzada de pestañas, además de un gestor de descargas propio. También incorpora funcionalidades de un explorador de ficheros.

Si piensas que el mercado está dominado sólo por tres navegadores, deberías de probar TheWorld Browser, todo un descubrimiento.

El programa sólo está en inglés de momento.

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TheWorld Browser provides a fast, safe, and easy way to browse the Web. It will revolutionize your internet experience with many useful features that other browsers don't provide. Give it a try, we guarantee our browser is 100% malware free. TheWorld Browser is optimized to avoid any case of out of response. In any test case, if a web page's browser window is out of response, the other windows will not be infected.

TheWorld Browser is a tiny, fast, yet free, secure and powerful web browser. It features a tabbed interface with multi-threaded frame browser. TheWorld Browser uses the Microsoft Internet Explorer engine. We currently support Windows 98/me/2000/xp/Vista.
TheWorld Browser 2.0 has a new, powerful multi-threaded window frame, which prevents the browser from freezing. Even if one webpage is unresponsive, the rest will not be affected. In developing TheWorld Browser 2.0, we have rewritten and rebuilt all the codes and modules from version 1.x. The new framework is built to provide you with a richer internet browsing experience.


► Multi-threaded frame. TheWorld Browser version 2.0 is among the first multi-threaded frame browser in the world (the first is Internet Explorer 7.0), the multi-threaded window frame can prevent the web pages from freezing.
► Intelligent Ad blocking + Blacklist filter. TheWorld can block popup ad. and float ad. automatically. TheWorld can block popups and float ads automatically. You can also use a blacklist to filter ads. The blacklist filter works from lower level of HTTP protocol, with regular expression so that you can filter out anything you want.
► Web page mute.TheWorld is the first browser that can disable a web page's sound with one click.
► Powerful Tools. Powerful Tools Built in tools like: Flash filter, unlock page script limited, zoom, Proxy quick switching, Auto complete, Quick media saver, Privacy guard, Mouse gestures, Custom hotkeys and Drag & drop support, make TheWorld one of the most powerful browsers around.
► Safer. TheWorld Browser has built-in safe guards that will protect you while surfing.
► Built-in Download Manager. Which consists of multi-thread download, resumable download, with intuitive download management.
► Skins and plugins. TheWorld Browser supports skins and plugins, we have hundreds of skins and plugins to customize the way you browse. TheWorld has native support for Internet Explorer's plugins as well.

Version: TheWorld Browser 2.4 Final ( 2009.2.19
Fix a bug of TheWorld downloader. ( This bug only occur in )

http://rapidshare.com/files/201639946/TheWorld_Browser_2.4.0.5_Portable.rarSize: 5878 KB