Ver la versión completa : [Portable]Ram Cleaner 7 x Daniel03

20 02 2009, 05:41 PM
[Portable]Ram Cleaner 7 x Daniel03


RamCleaner 7.0 es una herramienta de optimización RAM, con la que se puede recuperar toda la memoria que no esté siendo usada. Es decir, la que está ocupada por aplicaciones, programas o procesos que ya no se ejecutan.

Ademas, RamCleaner 7.0 nos permite también controlar el uso de la CPU y monitorizar los procesos para eliminar aquellos que no se usen.


An application to recover wasted RAM, prevent crashes and maximize the performance of your PC

Are you tired of crashes, slow applications that run out of resources every 5 minutes? While using your PC, the executed programs and the used files are taking part of your RAM memory, progressively slowing down your equipment.

RamCleaner is a great program which makes it easier than ever before to free up unused RAM, prevent crashes and increase performance.

RamCleaner can recover the leaked memory to make your system work as fast as it was at the beginning. RamCleaner will help you get the most out of your computer without being a Windows expert.

RamCleaner gives you peace of mind and will keep your computer running more efficiently, faster, and longer.

Here are some key features of "RamCleaner":

· Memory Optimization at your fingertips!
· RamCleaner makes it easier than ever before to free up unused RAM, prevent crashes and increase performance. This ensures that you always have enough memory to run your favorite applications without running into any problems. You can free the memory with a single click.
· RamCleaner shows various information on your memory usage. To optimize RAM just adjust the slider in Ram to Free and press Clean now ! button on the bottom and RamCleaner will do the rest.
· Prioritize Windows System Functions
· Assign more resources to Windows and you can prevent crashes caused by a single application taking control over the CPU, preventing the Windows shell from working properly.
· Processes Manager
· RamCleaner has inbuilt task Manager. It shows which applications are currently running on your system. It also allows you to close or change priority on running applications.
· Clean Memory at Interval
· Automatically clean memory at selected interval in minutes.
· Clean when memory is reached
· Automatically clean if memory reached on selected size (Mbytes).
· Set Optimal
· Set the optimal RamCleaner settings for best performance your PC!


· Less than one megabyte of free space on hard disk
· 32 MB RAM
· Pentium 166 MHz or higherType: Portable x Daniel03
Size: ~6MB rar file | ~1.6MB Exe File | Inside rar file is the setup files


20 02 2009, 07:32 PM
Gracias Mano, BUen Aporte!!

21 02 2009, 12:05 AM
Hermano Nico....trata de poner el idioma de tus portables ...por favor.
Saludos... Gracias.
Nota: Ccómo se les dice a los nicaragüenses????.
Con cariño desde Chile.

21 02 2009, 10:46 AM
Hermano Nico....trata de poner el idioma de tus portables ...por favor.
Saludos... Gracias.
Nota: Ccómo se les dice a los nicaragüenses????.
Con cariño desde Chile.

Hola Chiranto, el idioma es Inglés (lo debo tener más en cuenta), lamentablemente dejaré de postear un tiempo (motivos laborales) así que posiblemente éste sea mi penúltimo post :(

Gracias por comentar!!!!