Ver la versión completa : [Portable]Help & Manual Professional Edition

23 12 2008, 12:59 PM
[Portable]Help & Manual Professional Edition



A veces resulta curioso el esfuerzo que ponen los programadores en crear unas estupendas aplicaciones, con una interfaz atractiva y gran cantidad de opciones, para las que luego es totalmente necesario crear un completo manual de ayuda.

En este aspecto, Help & Manual puede ser de gran ayuda; con él podrás crear todo el sistema de ayuda y documentación necesaria para tus aplicaciones y exportarlo a varios formatos (PDF, ayuda en HTML, winhelp, mmhelp...)

Presenta una interfaz de uso muy sencilla, que te será muy fácil de dominar si tienes experiencia en el manejo de procesadores de texto. Incluye un visualizador de imágenes, una utilidad de captura de pantalla y una herramienta que te ayuda a crear e imprimir el manual de uso de tu aplicación.


Help & Manual is a documentation tool and content management system for both single and multi-author editing. While it is as easy to use like a normal word processor, Help & Manual gives you the full power of a true WYSIWYG XML editor. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Webhelp, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

The Webhelp output includes a full menu structure that emulates the appearance and functionality of HTML Help and includes full-text search with highlighting for found words.

PDF output and printed manuals are fully customizable with the bundled Print Manual Designer program: You can include a table of contents and a keyword index, automatic page referrers for links and cross-references, customized page layouts, headers, footers, page numbering, covers, introductions and more.


Type: Portable x Daniel03
Size: 36.6MB
Download: From RapidShare