Ver la versión completa : Extensis Suitcase Fusion 2.0

10 11 2008, 06:41 PM
Suitcase Fusion 2.0
For  Mac OS


Suitcase Fusion is the next-generation professional font manager. Fusing the power of Font Reserve with the award-winning usability of Suitcase, and the only one to provide the industrial-strength features to ensure hassle-free, reliable font management no matter how many fonts you use, how many documents you work with or how demanding your workflow.

Version 2.0 is built on the platform used for the company's Universal Type Client and offers a new interface, a Glyph View palette, a Floating Preview feature that allows dragging a preview over a layout, drag-and-drop layouts for comparing previews, new auto-activation plug-ins (InDesign CS4, Illustrator CS4, and QuarkXPress 8, as well as CS3 and Quark 7), an SQLite backend, and other improvements.


Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard)
PowerPC G5, Intel or faster CPU
100MB of hard disk space + space for fonts
256MB available RAM
Safari 2.0 or Firefox 2.0 or higher

More Info

http://www.extensis.com/en/products/suitcasefusion2/index.jsp.zip | 32 MB | Pass: PunkoJotaViL


< Special Thx To: t0mm1 >

11 11 2008, 03:53 AM
Gracias!!! Justo lo que andaba buscando!!!

marcos k sanchez
13 11 2008, 03:09 PM
el aporte es muy bueno pero no se descomprime ni con el pass, subelo otra vez por favoooooor....


17 11 2008, 02:37 AM
usa Stufflt Expander !

03 04 2010, 09:38 PM
Pordía algien volver a subirlo?

03 04 2010, 09:39 PM
¿Podrá alguien Subirlo otra vez?