Ver la versión completa : GoldWave 5.23 Full + Keygen + Enc Mp3

09 05 2008, 12:49 PM
GoldWave 5.23 Full


Es un completo editor de audio ke soporta una multitud de formatos, tenes un buen numero de efectos ke son faciles de utilizar, funcionamiento parecido al SoundForge, solo ke este ocupa menos espacio y menos recurso, ademas cuenta con soporte para el formato "*.ape", tambien lo podes utilizar para sacar el audio de los videos, o para convertir ficheros de audio.Recomendado.

> Changes in v5.23 include:
Playback cursor appearance
Option to hide cursor
Window to set cursor (Ctrl+G)
Option to delete files in Batch Processing
Minimize button on Batch Processing Progress window
Realtime previewing of changes in Spectrum Filter
New keyboard commands to set cue points (Q, Shift+Q)
"Select Between Cues" in right-click cue context menu
Several fixes and improvements

> Changes in v5.22 include:
Fix for Vista open/save compatibility

> Changes in v5.21 include:
New Spectrum Filter
Keyboard configuration options
New accessibility topic in the help and manual
Persistent playback cursor
Significantly enhanced keyboard audio navigation
Marker preview (scrubbing) playback setting
Additional settings for Silence Reduction
Cue file export option for File Merger
Updated QTFile plug-in
New command line options for Batch Processing
Many fixes and improvements

> Changes in v5.20 include:
Updated FLAC and WMA file plug-ins
QTFile plug-in
"Check for Updates" feature
Several fixes and improvements

:: RS :: (http://rapidshare.com/files/98506408/GoldWave_v5.23.rar)

:: GS :: (http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=lqldzv82mlb)

Mirror Badongo:
:: descargar :: (http://www.badongo.com/file/8049353)